Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fishing Spot

There are so many places to go, but my very favorite is a fishing spot in a shipyard in Mobile, Alabama.
Looking out of the boat, I see a big, dull wall covering the gleaming sun. Next to me my fishing buddies Grandpa and Chris are anxiously waiting for a fish to bite their big, juicy, shrimp. The dark gloomy background of ships and lumber owns my imagination.
Echoing sirens startle me out of my britches. They are blaring so loud my ears pop out of my head. As I reel in a whopper, the splashing tail sounds encouraging. If I were blind, the sounds around me would immediately tell me where I was.
Cranes as tall as large redwood trees blow off a smoky aroma that breezes through the air. The fishy stench swells my nose the size of a golf ball. Rotten smelling ships slowly pass
by like immense swimming turtles. Putrid odors box me in like a pack of wild dogs.
Despite the smells, I feel a boost of confidence. As I get a nibble, a thrilling roller coaster rides through my muscles. Nervously reeling in my catch, my heart is beating like a piston. Oh so satisfied, I pose for my picture.
All in all, the great experiences I have all wind up to my special place with my special fishing buddies. Luckily for me, I go there quite often.